Monday, May 12, 2014

God cares about the small things!

(I want to start off, this blogpage is way too long. I need some help on how to categorize the blogs instead of piling them on top of each other. I do apologize. If anyone is willing to help, my email is at the bottom. Have fun scrolling all the way down mobile viewers ;) 

 I haven't posted any updates in a while, I havent had the motivation honestly to do it. Things have been alot harder, trials have been coming and I almost feel like Ive fallen back even worse then I started off. But, there are a few things I do want to share. Even when I doubt, and really feel like God is no where to be seen. When I think he doesnt care anymore, I am softly reminded that he does care.

 Ive been negative lately, when he is no where to be seen, it really feels like youre in the desert. I notice he slowly is making himself known more to his Word, and not so much feelings anymore. Its more knowledge and facts, not feelings and sensations. Not that those feelings arent bad, I miss them more then anything. But he is teaching me the other side, called faith. Denying even what our eyes see otherwise, and choosing to believe in Him over all we know and see. Thats faith. 

I slowly see that he cares, JUST as much. Even when there wasnt a feeling, there was NO mistaking that the timing and thoughts would all click into place, knowing he was the one that made all of that just happen. ANd just to show you how much he cares about the little things, youre going to read how silly it sounds. But, it was real and awesome to me, that he does care about something so little and silly in such a busy big world.

So, this first one is kind of hard to remember, it was a while ago. But, I remember I was having a down day. I wasnt feeling well at all, just alone, discouraged. It was a dark short cold day, and I went to grab some food to cheer me up. I was alone, went to potbellys (something they have in Virginia while I was working there) The best sandwiches in the whole world. Not kidding. Anyways, I only got the sandwich, went back to my truck, and I was getting thirsty. This is going to sound funny, but I was in really bad shape emotionally. I really was bummed that I didnt have anything to drink. I barely had some water, and I was a little disapointed that I didnt have anything more. A sprite or something sounded good. So Im driving back to our hotel, and then as soon as I park, I look down, and there is a sprite. Oh my goodness! Whaaaat?! I felt like that was placed there, without a doubt from God. I never leave drinks undrank, once I buy them they are gone in about 20 seconds. This sounds so silly typing this right now, but it was undeniable. I couldnt get my mind off of anything else for a whole minute as I just try and thank God. I knew in my mind that he did care (It wasnt a feeling like before) I had a little glimmer of Joy on that cold winter day.

The Second one, happened not too long ago, and its what made me type this blog. We were working in New Jersey, Garden state my butt. (Sorry to anyone reading this from NJ, but yeah. Armpit of the USA for sure.)  Anyways, I like to fill up our gallon of water jugs before work, because I love to stay hydrated & save money ;)  The first day we were working, my nice new cold jug got a hole in it! I got upset way more then I should have lol, but I mean common! not even one drink and its ruined. Thats like someone taking the first bite of my desert. I Dont even want it thank you very much, you can keep it. Well, the next day it happened again. It fell off of a pallet I was moving, and went BOOM. all over the concrete. I didnt even get one drink. This time I kicked the jug, and somehow blamed God for this. I know, looking back thats immature, and I know way better then to. But my emotions were just up there I guess. Well, about 15 minutes after working my friend comes to me, with an empty ice cup. He hands it to me, I said thank you? I was about to eat the ice when he pulled out a Gatorade Propel, and said A lady downstairs asked if I wanted a drink, and she asked me if I had a coworker and if he wanted one too. (WHICH NEVER HAPPENS) He handed me the drink and walked away. I will be honest, I got teary eyed and that was the sweetest coolest drink I ever had. I couldnt help but know that God was like "I CARE Jonathan! I care about everything! I love you." I felt comforted. That has never happened my whole life, I dont think it will for along time.

I feel like God can't help but let us know how much he cares, even when he is trying to teach us something. His lesson may be that he wants me to rely on his word, faith in him and not so much what I feel. But, God interrupts his lesson and breaks his "no talking" and "no feeling" seasons because he cant help but let me know. During this dry season and trial, he still makes himself known. He is outrageously in love with me. Its like he is so excited he can barely contain himself. Its like a surprise, and he almost lets out the surprise yell before I even see what good thing he has waiting for me, or awesome lesson to learn. Or trial to overcome. He has done this before for me.  And it is an awesome feeling let me tell you :)  

Well, Im here in NJ again tonight, and Im feeling tired. Its another night, I'm hoping for brighter days and closer experiences with God.

If anyone has doubts that God only worries about himself, or doesnt care about the small things, you have to believe that He does. Whatever you care about, that was given to you by him. How much more would a perfect being know about your worries and needs? He sees all your struggles, he knows all your pain. Every tear. It doesnt go to waste either.

God does care about you. His Joy is when you have Joy. He is a giver, and we could never give back to him what he deserves. And he loves us endlessly. Think about that.... You are enough through his son Jesus, and He does care. Just believe, and receive it. By Only not believing, thats the only way not to receive. And even when Im stubborn sometimes, He just picks me up and teaches me how to walk and believe again. 

God bless whoever read this. Im sure there are many more little things Ive missed, angels that have smiled at me, a few things if I had stronger faith. But, believe that God can use it all, he can still make a grand someone out of you, a spectacular future even with the brokeness and doubt.